Originally Posted by Jake
I'm mostly looking at things along the line of Laguna's CNCs but they just get them from China and rebrand them. I've found the Chinese manufacturer that they appear to buy from and when I get to the point, will probably contact them and do some math on the international freight and delivery...also looking at used industrial equipment too.

You are definitely right - you can spend as much as you want. I can only imagine how it would speed up the things you do. I'm mostly looking for a new toy.

interesting little tidbits I've gleaned from several clients who work directly with the Chinese manufacturing:

- they can produce pretty much anything. They have an uncanny way of changing a design just so to get around patent violations.

- they build several different "grades" of quality depending on how much you wish to pay. You definitely want the highest you can afford. As one of my clients is fond of saying "they produce German engineering and Japanese quality control at Indian prices". Granted, they are producing a high quality product and paying premium prices for it.

- you're pretty much obligated to pay a middle-man. It's sort of an institutionalized racket. But this can work in your favor if you develop a good relationship with them (vs. the mfg.) because the good ones can grease way more wheels when it comes to getting it done on-time, on-budget and delivered with a minimum of hassle. Most of these "representatives" are American university (MBA, J.D. or better) educated.

I'd suggest reaching out to your 'Merican contacts who have contracts in China and seeing if they have a handler/middle-person they work with who could possibly line something up for you (for an american sized fee, of course).
