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Great Tips for All Boaters

While towing sounds pretty simple, it usually is only simple in perfect conditions ­ calm winds and seas. When things are easy like that you need only get in front of the other boat and toss them a line.
(Note on tossing a line: coil the throwing line so there are no kinks. Separate the coil in two with the bitter end of the coil in your throwing hand, the rest of the coil on the other hand. Then toss the line over and past the receiver. The hand not throwing should be laid open and pointing toward the receiver so the rest of the coil will easily exit the hand.)
Most folks just tie the line to the stern of the towing boat. But, that is the worst place you can secure it. Remember, when you turn a boat the point on which it turns is usually near the bow and the stern swings out. If the tow line is on the stern, this restricts the stern from swinging out and thereby makes steering the towing boat almost impossible. So, the tow line should be as far forward as possible.
Keep the boats in the similar wave patterns by adjusting the length of the tow line so that both boats are either going up a wave or down a wave at the same time.
Always tow at moderate speeds. Think safely.
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Are you tired of throwing money at your boat, and you still are in mid-fleet or worse at times? Getting sick of the jib sheet jamming on every third tack? Upset because every time you tack, you tack onto a header?


CD 12CM Silkscreen.pdfFor 20 years the Rick White Sailing Seminars ran racing/sailing clinics throughout the world. They also had nearly 50 World Class sailors come in as guest experts. Rick says, "I listened to every thing these guys said. I let it all go in one ear.., then plugged the other one!"

Consequently, there is wealth of racing/sailing knowledge in Rick's Sailing Seminar DVD.

List price is $149.95, but the price has been slashed to only $99.95, a 33% reduction and a saving of $49.80
Learn 1. Total Boat Handling; 2. the Catamaran Roll Tack; 3. How to have Great Starts and Finishes; 3. How to have Great Mark Roundings; 5. Get Fast Downwind.

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Great Tips for Racing Sailors

You are Approaching the Leeward Mark (8th in a Series about Mark Roundings)
From the last several issues remember there are Five Musts to anticipate when entering the leeward mark rounding. They are:
1) Prepare
2) Remember the Inside Overlap Mark Rounding Rule
3) Watch for the Pinwheel Effect
4) Slow Down to Win
5) Enter Wide, Exit Close.

Last Month we showed you how our Hero could Slow Down to Win and Enter Wide and Exit Close. So, let’s elaborate a bit more CmarkPinWhlExtraDistanceon this. Most folks think they have to keep their boat going as fast as it can all the time. However, there are several places on a race course that going at high speed can hurt you tactically. The leeward mark is definitely one of them.
If by going fast you are forced to sail on the outside of a Pinwheel, you will be dead meat – no air, no options and longer course sailed very slowly.
How do you slow down? Well, all of the things you do to make your boat go fast, do the opposite:

1) Let your sail all the way out so it does not draw, if you can
2) Sock your sail(s) in tight and overtrimmed – a stalled sail goes really slow.
3) Sock in your jib tight – backwinding the mainsail is also very slow
4) Sit on the back of the boat – dragging the stern is very slow on cats
5) Jam your rudders back and forth – by jamming the rudders you are not allowing the water to attach and this makes the rudders brakes instead of steering devices. 6) Zig and Zag a lot to kill time
7) Ooops! You are not allowed to drag your crew in the water
CMarkPinWhlSloToWinNow that you have slowed your boat down and the inside boats make their rounding, just go for the mark and exit close. Yes, after the fleet goes by, “Enter Wide and Exit Close.” Keep in mind that in doing this maneuver you have no rights. Wait and watch for a hole to open up and punch into.
See Diagram 2. Now the A Boat is in much better position than if he had sailed the outside of the Pinwheel. Here is why he is better shape:
1) He is in clear air
2) He has options – if his mark rounding allowed him to be high enough that he was not being backwinded, he could go straight; or he could tack away to clear air.
3) He has not slowly sailed a lot of extra distance.., a longer course.

This is by far the best way to handle the leeward mark rounding. Stay tuned in the next issue when we will talk more about “Entering Wide and Exiting Close.”


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Have problems launching your boat at the beach? Wheels digging into the sand? Tired of asking others to help you on the beach or the launching ramp? Or even if not struggling with a boat and you simply want to take the family to the beach, but there is so much stuff you have to lug down there?


Cat Trax and Wheeleez have answers to all your launching and beach woes! Click on those hotlinks to see all of their great products
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Dear Captain Noah,
Work is really a bummer. I love sailing so much, but never have much time to really get into it. Work, work, work -- it’s miserable.
Obviously, you must sail all the time and you actually call that work. How do I get to work at sailing?
Bad Attitude Guy

Dear BAG,
When you have an “I Hate My Job” day, try this. On your way home from work, stop at your pharmacy and go to the thermometer section and purchase a Rectal Thermometer made by Johnson and Johnson. Be very sure you get this brand.
When you get home, lock your doors, draw the curtains and disconnect the phone so you will not be disturbed. Change into very comfortable clothing and sit in your favorite chair, open the package and remove the thermometer.
Now, carefully place it on a table or a surface so that it will not become chipped or broken.
Now the fun part begins -- Take out the literature and read it carefully. You will notice that in small print there is a statement, “Every rectal thermometer made by Johnson and Johnson is personally tested”
Now, close your eyes and repeat out loud five times, “I am so glad I do not work for quality control at Johnson and Johnson.”
Capt Noah

Thought of the Month: If the police arrest a mime.., do they tell him he has the right to remain silent?
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Oh, NO! you have a tear in you trampoline! You look further and you see signs of wear! Your boat is an older design and the manufacturer is no longer in business?


The folks at OnLineMarineStore can make tramps for all beach catamarans/multihulls and almost all cruising catamarans/multihulls.
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Rick White
Catsailor Magazine & OnLineMarineStore.com