Welcome to catamaran sailing! Should be the start of a lot of fun.

Have a look at the website http://www.papertigercatamaran.org/ It's got pictres and diagrams showing the rigging.

I would suggest trying to get someone local to help you when you first take the boat out. See if there's any joy in the paper tiger fleet(s) on the website, otherwise there are loads of sailors in Oz, and I'm sure that there will be someone willing to help you out. I was there last Christmas and in the magazine "Sailing" they listed the contact details of the catamaran fleets around Oz. I suggest that if you can find the magazine, you may try and contact one of the local sailing clubs and see if anyone can help. Catamaran sailing is quite different to sailing monohulls, they tack with reluctance and if you capsize they are very much harder to get back upright than a monohull. That said they are so much more fun and go very fast. With this in mind, I'd be cautious of taking it out in anything more than a force 3 to begin with (less than 10 knots). You can launch with the sails up from the trailer as long as the wind is in the right direction, i.e. head on to the boat. If not, you could end up doing some damage. It's best if you can rig the boat on the beach.

I wouldn't bother reefing the sail, as long as you begin in light winds and then as you're more confident you can go out in stronger winds. I don't know how fast the tides run in Adelaide but if they're quick then just be sensible about it, as they can take you where you don't want to go.

At the end of the day, have fun and play it safe.