I live in theNetherlands and there is this company : World Wide sailing B.V. which makes and develops all kind of boats based on a miraculous use of polyether plastic. The result is strong and has less weight as if with polyester,epoxy carbon etc. They have won a price in the States this for their invention.

In my memory of ancient posts and discussions there was a always a great surge by the (heavy) older members for small en light cats. So mayby this is the solution. I will see it in a fortnight because I ordered the TopazCat 14 which is very small but have thick hulls also in the front. I keep you informed, though I have to learn again how to place pictures.

RAIDER-15 (homebuilt)

hey boy, what did you do over there, alone far out at sea?..
"huh....., that's the only place where I'm happy, sir.