Thanks, Steve.

You said:
>> Smaller boat should have lower sheet & control line loads, if you`re a 145lb weakling like me you`d go smaller, (although an article in an Auzzie mag stated that the Taipan`s downhaul control was a "hand-crunching" experience, similar to that of the Tornado, due to the wing mast they have.)

Lower sheet/control line loads sounds good to me. But so does a less stiff mast (such as that on the Taipan) so you don't need to play the lines nearly as much to compensate for gusting conditions.

Regarding the downhaul on the Taipan, as I recall it's only 6:1 vs the I17R's 8:1 (but the I17R needs it with it's stiffer mast). Since the Taipan's downhaul is internal, does anyone know if it's possible to easily ugrade to an 8:1? If one did that would it be class legal or just good for recreational sailing?

Also, speaking of Taipan vs I17 vs Taipan, I did see a test sail report of the I17N vs the Taipan 4.9 by a Taipan sailor (see and then look under "Archves" for Nacra I17). They noted that there is no positive mast rotation control (I assume they mean over-rotation?) on the I17N. Questions: does either the T4.9 or I17R have mast over-rotation and in peoples experience is this really useful?

You also said:
>> Parting shot : If boats were women, you`d pick the one 100lb lighter, no matter what the additional cost !

Yes I would, unless she was twitchy and unpredicatable and could surprise you by turning on you unexpectedly to bite you! (which I think in your context, she would not...)
