Maybe it would be helpful to determine common ground, if there is any. Please take a few moments to post a list of those things you want the multihull community to be.

For brevity, I've limited my list to 3 items:
1. Social- it would be nice to get together a few times each year and greet familiar faces.
2. Informative- I like to know what's going on in the world of cats. And, from time to time I have problems I'm not able to solve on my on.
3. Competitive- my sailing tends to get sloppy. If I don't compete occasionally my skill drops off badly. Over 90% of my sailing skill was learned on the race course. Without that experience, I would not have had the confidence to even attempt cruising.

Please let me and others know what you're thinking. It's important to the overall growth and developement of the sport.

"Cat Fest Sailor" Pete in Cape Coral