Does any one really think that any designer worth their salt will post, or allow to be posted on the internet, free without charge or royalties, a design of theirs, that they have invested a big part of their lives on?
Haven't you ever heard "you only get what you pay for" and that the less you pay the less you get?
Darryl J Barrett

Darryl, here's a history lesson for you: About Clark Mills Read the entire article before responding with respect to the part of your statement I've quoted.

What is the cost for original Tornado plans?

A good design does not need to be a new design. It can be an adaptation of an old design that is still perfectly suitable. I could very well build a 14' Tornado, or Condor or Unicorn, etc.... With the bulk of the F14 class being made up of H14s, Mysteres, Waves, and similar (boardless) boats primarily designed for recreation -not racing, though the line is getting a bit fuzzy- it wouldn't take the latest and greatest design of our time to be competitive.

It is for that reason you may very well find me racing a Richard Woods Quattro in another year (if I can't find any Blade F14 plans to buy). I feel it would be perfectly competitive against the majority of current F14 boats.
I may very well come up with my own design, using features from current and past boats as guidelines and avoiding the use of any extreme deviations in design features to get a boat I feel would perform "good enough". If it sails well and at least keeps the pace with the Mysteres I would be pleased to put all the information on the internet. It would satisfy me enough just to see other people sailing something I'd created.

G-Cat 5.7M #583 (sail # currently 100) in Bradenton, FL Hobie 14T