Even if you hadn't said you were an experienced sailor I still would've recommended you go for the 18-2. A more sophisticated boat has a steeper learning curve. I don't see a downside to this. You can get in over your head on a P16 in the wrong conditions if both you and the boat are unprepared. In addition, a more sophisticated sail plan allows for more adjustments such as flattening the sails to depower in heavier air. Cat sailors are very open regarding sharing the knowledge thay have acquired from years on the water. This forum is proof of that. I don't think you would have to look too far to find a more experienced cat sailor who would spend time with you on your new boat to bring you up to speed. This is a win-win situation. No good cat sailor wants to get T-boned in a port/starboard crossing by someone who hasn't learned how to control their boat in traffic.

G Gove Blade #728 Long Island, New Yawk