Why a limit on mast length?

The idea was to keep the boats fun to sail. With no limit on mast length we will go the route of the A's, to the limits of stability and human ability.

I settled on a 22-23 ft mast for my boat as the best compromise considering it was designed for a hooter downwind. If I remember the computer results, I could put a 29-30 ft mast on it. To sail it I would have to anticipate every gust. But, if I were willing to accept a boat almost as tippy as a Laser and a catastrophic pitchpole about 10% of the time, really cleanup on the race course. It would also not be very much fun the sail, beat the crap out of me, make me even more afraid of high wind, and make it too unstable to comfortably drink a beer on the way to the dock after the Wed Night Races

As far a current designs, I think everything out now, would be made obsolete by a purpose built boat. We are allowing big sails on a short waterline. To make it go I am planning on using the headsail to torque the bows out of the water downwind. I am not sure but I suspect that the f14 will end up looking a lot more like an Aussie Skiff or an International 14 than an F18.

I think spin pole length maybe a bigger issue. I have been playing with the idea of flying the hooter like a staysail and sheeting off the front crossbeam. This would take about a 12ft pole but would keep the bows out of the water on a hot reach. Food for thought