I'm the guy from Sandy Hook Bay Catamaran Club (Fleet 250), who put a spinnaker on his H17. I started a side business to rationalize the expense and time of doing a professional job. It’s called DWD Sailing, LLC. I was told that the H17 was not structurally capable of carrying a chute so, as a Mechanical Engineer, I took this as a design challenge. The two primary issues are the narrow bows and the fragile comp tip. I also wanted to be able to convert back to a one design quickly. Over the last two years I’ve consulted with many experts and tested a lot of configurations and components, which have culminating in the final design.

I will have the following components available by early summer:
1. Spinnaker Pole, with Crossbar fitting, stays, and blocks for tack line and halyard.
2. Fiberglass Snuffer Mouth for Pole End or Mid Pole placement with tubular mylar bag.
3. Bow crossbar designed to provide lift when bows submerge, while stiffening the narrow bows.
4. North spinnaker designed specifically for this sailplan.
5. Hardware kit including everything else.

E-Mail me at dnr234@aol.com or give me a call at 732-768-6080 (Cell). If I don't answer, leave a message.

Attached Files
32688-SpinLewFor3.jpg (132 downloads)