Hey Matt -

Towed. As expected, we had great breeze as soon as we got the sailors out of the club, but it was on the nose for the trip to Sea Cliff. We also lost some of the volunteers we had lined up to sail them across. As a result, we used three power boats to tow, and one to chase in case there were problems. All the rudders came off and the jibs were up to help vane. At Sea Cliff, each tow boat held position while a skiff and the chase boat peeled the 16s off one at a time for the trip in through the harbor. No mishaps - went really smooth.

Big thanks to Mike Smith and Ron Borge from Roton Point, and John Dawson and Doug Weffer of Sea Cliff for helping me and Dan Mangus get the job done.

Attached Files

John Williams

- The harder you practice, the luckier you get -
Gary Player, pro golfer

After watching Lionel Messi play, I realize I need to sail harder.