Thanks, guys :-)

Jake: "A righting pole, like Rick's system, gives you more leverage and ability to right the boat solo."

Where could I get more info on this?

Josh: What's bad about dagger boards? I read someplace that they are a help in tight quarters. And I've seen Nacra made a 4.5 too. How are they?

Sven, er Brian: (Really thought your name was Sven when I read the private message. But I couldn't figure out why you would have put news of your death in there). For the rest of you, Brian privately posted a sobering account of the dangers of cold water. Duly noted.

Anyway, thanks for the info. Where can I get more info about the Solo~Right?


PS: About wings: Without them, you're either standing with wire, or sitting uncomfortably on the hull or tramp?

Last edited by Danno; 07/23/04 11:57 PM.
