Hi David
One more try here (grin)

The following 15 boats:
NACRA 20 Claus Schnabel Rick Olt 306
NACRA 20 Mark LeBel Karen LeBel 495
NACRA 20 alex lefur chris berger 625
NACRA 20 Kurt Korte brad winquest 254
NACRA 20 Harold Burns Frank Burns 462
NACRA 20 Wes Wilcox 253
NACRA 20 Bruce Binger
Tornado (Intern.) Robbie Daniel Gary Chu US834
Tornado (Intern.) Chris Blake
Tornado (Intern.) Craig Jefferds ISV3
Tornado (Intern.) Kurt Wellenkotter Steve Gornick US 741
Tornado (Intern.) Chris Tuckfield Nina Barlow 812
Tornado (Intern.) Martin Malcheski Benjamin Malcheski 824
Tornado ? Josh Garrett Bobby Garrett
6.0NE Dave Reese Amos Cushway 420

are the current list of 20's with spins attending the Catfight this weekend! A turnout of 15 20 foot spin boats will be the top turnout for a buoy's race this season IN THE COUNTRY.

So... A perfect race is sailed by all teams and they finish in a dead heat at 60 minutes.
Boat.... Rating.. Elapsed time to win position.
Nacra 6.0 NESp 60.3 60.00 0.00.00 1.0
2 Supercat 20 tall rig 59.5 60.00 0.00.48 2.0
3 Nacra I 20NA 59.2 60.00 0.01.06 3.0
4 Tornado 59 60.00 0.01.18 4.0

(In New England... they race the Nacra 6.0 against the I20 even up and the Nacra will win the race and i used Bill Roberts SC20 rating in a seperate thread! )

If you use windspeed numbers... the I20 is faster in the light to moderate stuff and with breeze on the Tornado is faster

Bottom line... the I20 and the Tornado differ by 12 sec an hour... Watching the Olympic racing on Bravo indicates that the best in the world are finishing over 10's of minutes ... not seconds in one design boats.

In my book... the upcoming race is FAR BETTER then the smaller one design divisions you could create. Yes it's portsmouth... but on the race course... I will be damned if you can tell the difference, (I loose 12 sec an hour when I sneeze!)

I propose that before the racing scene on 20's disolves.... you bend a little on the one design desire and market and participate in racing of 20's with spin...

Take Care
