
General idea is this.

-1- Trapping of starboard full speed
-2- Looking for a spot to tack.
-3- arriving at the spot and get in while letting the traveller a bit out. I'm hoping this will power down the rig enough to get in.
-4- Steer up while pulling in the traveller to get the last bit of power pushing me around the corner
-5- When head to wind, uncleat the traveller and let it run out a little just so it weather vanes with the wind.
-6- Continue to tack while staying on the old luff hull- roll tacking
-7- When the baot powers up a little again slowly move over to the other side.
-8- Continue the turn while hooking on gently
-9- get out and pull the traveller in simultaniously. Heading to the right course and preventing the main from stalling.
-10- Trapping of port full speed.

Apparently all this in 10 seconds flat, leaves about 1 second per step.

Again this is experimental and so I may change a few steps.


Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands