
Bimare and Mike Worrell were in dicussions over these charter boats for some time. The fact that the AC was held in April and the Worrell was scheduled in May has no bearing on the fact that the boats were being build in advance, teams were buying them well in advance and Mike and Bimare had a payment agreement well in advance. Mike defaulted at some point in the Spring of 2003.

When the Worrell began breaking down, the Alter Cup opportunity came up (Spring 2003) and since the boats were available, Bimare sent them.

Yes, 10 boats were used for the 2003 AC. That was the agreed upon format. Why would they be purposely made beefier for the AC? They weren't, they were made beefier for the Worrell, but used for the 2003 AC.

Yes - Sail #25-45 were Worrell built, so they are built beefier. Only 10 of these were used for the 2003 Alter Cup and 4 for the 2003 ICCT. Some of the 25-45 were privately owned at that time (Spring 2003). Privately owned HT's were used for the 2004 ICCT.

The sail # in the US are sequential. #13 was skipped.

Your statement about continuing on the Worrell just because the boats were available is ridiculous. Who was supposed to put the event on? Bimare? The class? come on Wouter, that is a silly thing to suggest. Its a huge job to run a 1000 mile race.

And your assumption that 45 boats were available (Spring 2003) is also incorrect. 1-25 or so were privately owned at the time. Some were owned by teams practicing for the Worrell, some were owned by non Worrell racers, some were in the hands of the importer, but who really cares?

The real question is why you have such a hard on for the HT class?
