Hey Jennifer,

Sailing for me is about the social aspect. Competing and partying with as well as against others. Getting a kitchen pass to go out, nevermind to an event, by myself is not realy possible either. I met my wife at a nationals, so sailing together is the biggest appeal of the F16 class. I will most likely rarely if ever race this boat in the uni configuration myself. Now with us trying to get the kids interested in sailing, even the litle local deals are meaning we have a crowd on board.

See if you can get the rest of the Tampa gang to run F16 as well.

With the buoy racing cup (Harken?)this next year, we have to work at making sure we get enough people to make a class at each race for them to count in the series. There are enough boats even now, but I have never seen since we moved here, the whole group rig in the same configuration.

See you in a couple of weeks.
