It is called the "Steeplechase" because of the obstacles encountered along the way, but Rick said this is the lowest tide he has ever seen for the finish at Anne's Beach.

I wonder how you would handicap sailors pulling boats through deep, soft mud. A light person would not sink in as far as a heavy person, but the heavy person may have more strength than the light person. On the other hand, fat legs might not sink in as much as skinny legs. I would think a strong, light person with very big feet would be the best combination. On the other hand (or foot), if you have big feet and they do submerge too deep into the silt, it can be very hard to pull them back out. It's easy to lose a bootie. The silt has characteristics similar to quicksand. As you try to pull one foot out of the mud, the other leg goes deeper. If you are not holding onto a boat or other large object, you start to feel as though you are in one of those old Tarzan movies where the more the bad guy struggles, the faster he gets sucked down and disappears below the surface of the muck.