what it all boils down to if we keep this this post and response up is the eventual core question

"Would you rather live in a perfect world than the real world ?"

Now I'm sure everybody will say yes to that relative undetailed question. (is your perfect world the same as mine ?)However I don't think anyone in the history of mankind has ever had this particular choice. So what is the point in answering such a question ?

With respect to your question :


Let's say you have a spinnaker-rigged boat, and there is a fleet of 10 of the very same boats. There is also a fleet of 10 open-class boats, also spinnaker-rigged but not identical boats. ALL of the sailors in both of these fleets are of equal sailing ability. You have a choice of racing in the one-design fleet or the open fleet, and the two fleets will be starting separately.

I think I will choose the open fleet if that is were all my friends are sailing and is counted in my championship. At my club we have a club chmapionship and open class races away from the club count when more than 5 club members race there. So lets take Round Texel 2005 I will sail against the 10 or clubmembers there rather than 10 boats sailed by people I don not know or am not involved with in some form of championship. And yes this in not a mind example but a real situation I'm personally in for 2005.

You see Mary, The question is never that simple.

Maybe you should try this approach.

"Do you prefer to sail in any OD fleet over sailing in the open class when participating in the latter involves being slowly tortured to death by angry OD racers without any chance of escape ?"

Maybe you then get the 100 % score you are looking for.

Cos right now you are forcing people to at last once choose OD racing over open class racing. Why seek this ? What does it mean once you have exlcuded enough if's and but's so that there is no alternative answer possible then "I prefer OD in this case ?


Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands