Simon - my mistake on the Nacra F18 rating. It should be 1.01. Taking that as a base, I wonder how people would rate the Inter 18, based on gut feel. This is not to be used for real racing, but as a means of making a comparison between the designs. Theoretically I could buy either boat - but I don't want to waste the extra £2-3,000 on an Nacra F18 if I (i.e. me, an average Joe) cannot expect it to be any faster.

Put another way - how much further up the pack am I likely to finish on an Nacra F18 instead of an Inter18? I fully realise that most of my time is lost on slow tacks and gybes etc, so I am looking to the time when I have improved to the extent that boat design is important to my results.

Looking at Race results shows Nacra F18s beating Inter 18s almost all the time - but I imagine this is largely due to the better sailors upgrading to the latest boat, thereby showing good results for the boat. Do these guys put their lead down to the new boat design, or their skill?

I also figure that the Nacra F18 is designed for upwind/downwind racing, whereas the Inter18 is a more all-rounder. That makes me think there is a real difference on the race course.

Anyone prepared to say it's all down to the boat??? If not, why are Inter 18s so cheap?


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