We begin CAD drafting of my concept sketches tommorow. I will be able to make better predictions later on but am looking for a weight of about 3000 lbs. as built with no personal gear or stores on board. As always though less would be better. Remember though there are a bunch of light race boats already being built. I'm looking for something that will carry enough stuff to live on for a time (2 weeks or so). And where you can stand up to do the dishes.
Most of the boats that I have sailed and worked on have been much heavier than their advertized weight. For the last two years when ever I have gotten a chance I have weighed the boats that I have been working on at a scale near us. Very informative. Those that I could not weigh I took careful measurments of load water line and worked out weight from advertized Displacement and PPI calcs. Thanks for taking the time to comment. Dave

Last edited by DaveLaux; 02/21/05 07:16 PM.