Sail area to weight ratio of the A Class cat is 150 LB boat weight ,--av 150 LB crew ,--to a 150 sq ft sail area
<br> Basically an av 2 to 1 -weight to sail area ratio ,--very fast
<br>-The Inter 20 boat weight is 390 ,-+av crew weight 330 for a total av of 720 LB ,
<br> Sail area of main is 208 ,-plus jib 53 = 262 sq ft.
<br> The sail area to weight ratio is 2.75 ,--not nearly as good as the A Class cat .
<br> In open racing with the two starting the same the A class cat often arrives at the A mark ahead .
<br> The Inter has the added advantage of a 270 sq ft shute downwind ,and this sail area to weight ratio and coresponding performance changes dramatically .
<br> Add a proportionally sized chute to the A Class cat in this sail area to weight ratio formula comparison and the race becomes very close and interesting again on the downwind legs.
<br> If manufactures one design added a weight to sail area ratio factor for heavier boats and heavier crews as all Formula Classes do it would be much better ,-fairer sailing / racing.
<br>-We have this opportunity in forming a Formula 20 Class ,
<br> and can include all active racing 20 ft cats within the class and allow new cat designs to be created .
<br> -Make your day a great one -
<br> Happy Holidays
<br> Carl<br><br>