1. CABB Bug Light Double Distance Race. Our April race will be the annual Bug Light Double Distance Race. The date will be Saturday, April 16, 2005. The crew meeting time is 10:30. The location will be the Rickenbacker Causeway in Miami.

This race was started just a few years ago and it has quickly become one of the most popular races for the year. The day will feature two distance races with a lunch break between the races on the beautiful white sand beach on Key Biscayne. The first race will start just off the Rickenbacker Causeway and go down the bay and out through the Cape Florida Channel and past the historic Cape Florida lighthouse. From there we will proceed out to and around "Bug Light." "Bug Light" is a 37 foot tall steel tower which is located a couple of miles southeast of Cape Florida. After rounding the light, we will head toward Key Biscayne and land in front of the southernmost condo building.

After a short break for lunch, we will start the second race. The second race will be a reverse course of the first race. Bring a timing device, preferably two, to record your elapsed times for each race. I will have the plastic slates for you to record your times. If you are doing the Miami-Key Largo Race the following weekend, this will be a good shake down for that race. See you there!

2. CABB membership

The 2005 CABB membership renewal is well under way. Thanks to those of you who have sent in your renewals. If you intended to join, there is still time. I sent out registration packets back in February to those who I thought were most interested. If you did not receive the forms and the 2005 schedule, let me know. I can send them to you via email or mail. If you are planning on racing more than one race, I will ask you to join and help defray expenses. If you participate in all 12 races it comes to about $2 per race. Such a deal darling!

Here is the 2005 CABB roster as of April.


1. John McKnight-----------------------Hobie 20
2. Carla Schiefer----------------------Marstrom 20, 2 A-cats, Mako 17, Albin 40, sunfish
3. Eric Arbogast-----------------------ARC-21
4. Oriol Cruzeta-----------------------Crews on Hobie 20
5. Ivan Loya---------------------------Tornado
6. L.S. Cooper-------------------------Prindle 18
7. Mike Kennedy------------------------Prindle 19 MX
8. Marc Newlyn-------------------------Nacra 6.0, S.Cat 17
9. Terry Greene------------------------Inter 18, Hobie Wave
10. Robert Onsgard----------------------Nacra 6.0, F 28R
11. Rick White--------------------------Taipan 4.9,Wave
12. Kenny Pierce------------------------Stiletto 23,
13. Geoff Livingstone-------------------Nacra 6.0, Nacra 5.2
14. Frieda Johnson----------------------Hobie 16
15. Tom Worthman------------------------?
16. Dave Tardif-------------------------Hobie 16
17. Wilder S. Robles--------------------Blade F-16
18. Raul Lopez--------------------------F-24
19. Rip Parent--------------------------Nacra 5.8
20. John Esquivel-----------------------Nacra 5.8, Tornado
21. James Barrett-----------------------Hobie 18
22. Rafael Quesada----------------------Hobie 20
23. Alejandro Perez---------------------Hobie 20
24. Howard Riemer-----------------------Hobie Getaway

This year, paid members will be getting a CABB decal for use on their boat, sail box, or wherever you want to put it. Wilder Robles is making the decals. He is only making 30 of them, so if you want a decal, now would be a good time to join CABB. Wilder is also making a CABB banner that we can display at the beach during our events.

3. The Miami Key Largo Race is coming up Saturday, April 23. Today is the deadline for early entry at the lower cost. You can still fax in your entry today. The entry form and all the details can be found on the MYC web site at Tomorrow the price goes up. I spoke with Rick Harty of the MYC yesterday and he said there were already about 115 boats signed up for the race. This is one of the best beach cat races of the year.
Once again this year, I will be asking participants in the M-KL race to jot down a few of their thoughts about their experiences during the race. Since people "take out" at several different places, writing a story seems like the best way to share our experiences.

John McKnight
(305) 251-7600
CABB Forum:

Last edited by JohnM; 04/07/05 01:45 PM.