Hi all.

I am a newbie to all this and I have read all the posts going back several years. But I still can`t find the answer to my question. So here it is. I have a 1977 H16 with the original Seaway blocks/gear. The Seaway stuff is in excellent condition (fresh water exposure only) rarely used, and all components seem to function in "as new" condition. With particular attention to the Jib traveler/cleat combo, should I replace these or are they perfectly adequate as is? Is there a problem with this setup? The boat is undergoing a major refinish and refit but it seems a shame to replace these particular components given their condition. I have professionally restored several large powerboats in the past but no sailboats. Admittedly, I am a perfectionist (pathologically so, but I am working on that too!). I have yet to sail the boat and I want it to be perfect the first time out. Racing and class legality are of no concern to me. If I do need to scrap these parts, I wish to do it now while the boat is "in-shop" and I can take my time. Any opinions (pros and con) would be greatly appreciated.