who cares? is there any racing going on? or just idle chat and politics? i am ready to switch to a monohull where i can actually go one design racing every week and talk about RACING, not read two pages of whats in some blocks, or what changes may or may not occur. get focused guys or you are going to lose any interest you may have left. It is spelled R-A-C-I-N-G and there doesn't seem to be any of it going on. what am i supposed to do with my new Tiger? go look at the blocks and wonder whats in them? thats all its worth right now because there are no RACES that i can even enter, as an F18, NAF18 or whatever you are this week, and we all know where the Hobie fleet is heading. Yes i'm bitter, that is alot of hard earned money that is just sitting on the trailer. an expensive daysailer. i post as anonymous, but i say the same things to anyones face. who says this is not important, but that is posted here might wake some people up. If i am wrong i'd love to hear about the west coast F18 races that are scheduled, or where there might be some 20-boat (or even 10-boat) Tiger starts. I did my part, i bought a boat. I will show up at any race and pay my money. I will work committee, donate my power boat, whatever it takes in addition. But lets go RACING!