My first experience was in 1965 when I bought my first cat. It was a Shark Cat which I picked up from George Alleman (the first cat dealer in the USA). There was a race going on at Mentor Harbor YC and he asked if I would like to sail in it. "Of course," I said. "That is why I bought the boat."

The first race we were dead last.., really dead, dead last. They had to wait for us. I also noticed that this older guy was crewing for this beautiful, bikini-clad blonde on the helm.
So, I told my crew buddy, "Let's just follow that boat and emulate what they do." Not to mention, the view was pretty awesome as well.
We did so and improved to the point we were not last.

Two years went by with my still following these folks, and ended up 3rd place in the North American Championships -- my first sailing trophy.
The next year they sold their boat and it was then I won the NAs 5 times and the Nationals.., even without someone to follow. Guess I learned something from them.

By the way, this was the Wells family, Bill Wells was the older guy and the girl was Mary Wells, now my wife, and publisher of Catamaran Sailor Magazine. <img src="" alt="" />

Rick White
Catsailor Magazine &