I had the opportunity to study two ORMA-60's in Stockholm in May, they are very large and impressive when you float by on your small 20 footer! It was only light wind unfortunately, so I did not get to se the foils in action. I have drooled over the videos tough, and find Cheekee Monkees attempt to reproduce it on a smaller scale very interesting.
Ref: http://www.cheekeemonkee.com/

A digression: A friend,who tried hard to get an olympic berth in the 49'er class stated that he did not have any belief in those "multihull thingies" and did not care to try racing on Tornados. He is now a regular crew on the norwegian 60' tri competing in the "Oops Cup", guess he has eaten those words several times by now. "whOops"
Or for an exclusive report of another event in Stockholm:

I am still confused regarding parameters to make the angeled daggers on A's work, and perhaps they also are? But why would Glenn (if it is Glenn on the picture above) bring something untried, or less than optimal to the worlds? Is this just an uncharted area that needs more research and time?