I had a V 15 twenty years ago, I'll reinforce what's been said elsewhere on this thread. Move crew weight forward! Dragging the sterns in the water slows this boat mightily. If you're solo in light to moderate air you wanna be up against the shroud (sidestay), at least. Old sails are a killer, too baggy. Work out a way to sheet the jib further inboard, H16 use a track for the jib cleat to allow it to be moved toward the mast when pointing upwind. Mine had no mast rotation limiter, and it needs one. Look at a hobie and do something similar. Mine had flat plate aluminum rudders, consider scrapping them for a set off a more sophisticated boat. With mast rake and the corresponding loading of better rudders, you'll see a marked improvement. And in the end, it's a low tech knockoff of a H16, it'll never point as well as a similarly tuned better boat. Doesn't mean there's not room for improvement, and still plenty of fun to be had.
