Evening Folks,

Please tell me more about the restrictions on the Sandy Point State beach launch area.

I am the person who, almost 13 years ago, single handedly forced the Park to put this launch in.

As I designed it...and a year later when they implemented it...there were at least one, if not two, sets of aluminum ramps going directly over the beach and into the water. When the launch first opened I insisted that folks be able to move their trailers directly into the water...while the boats were still attached to their cars and trailers. Hand-carrying was not an acceptable solution to me.

Also, I had the park set up a special "Cars With Trailers" parking area as well.

Please update me. Even though I have been away from Maryland for more than 10 years, if I have to do my 600 pound ape routine again, I will give it a try.



P.S. Alternately, when I move back to Maryland in the coming year or so, I will share my "Cat Launch" Plan with whoever is the current Park superintendent. If the superintendent can't get things back to the original plan, I will go back to the governor and remind him of our earlier agreement. I may not be subtle, but I am usually successful!

I would rather be sailing, than reading about sailing!