WHAT in the WORLD do you guys have in your butts!? Geeesh...get a life. Yep, there are sponsors but their cash sponsorships are paying R/C boats, fuel, lodging for officials, transportation for some officials, regatta meals, awards...the list goes on and on. I'm really disapointed in the attitudes you guys are showing here. The Adventure.tv guys are busting their tails (it's two / three people!) trying to get all this put together. Have you ever tried to edit a video, get a wireless camera working, get a waterproof camera on a boat and recording without getting it wet or starting the tape to early before the race starts? This is cutting edge stuff and it will only get better. NOBODY has ever provided coverage of a catamaran (or any sailing) regatta even remotely close to what Brian and his crew are doing now...and it is going to get better through the week.

Jake Kohl