Well I for one am glad that you mentioned it. Finding cat rentals in So. Ca that is on an ocean beach has been like trying to find ice in desert.

If you have not already been assaulted by the people on this forum who have nothing better to do than threaten people who don't buy advertising space here, well cosider yourself lucky.

I can tell you that buying advertising here is very inexpensive and would at least make you look like you're not trying to abuse the posting privelege.

Do you have a web page that shows your rental rates? What are your typical hours of operation, what months?

One more thing fellow, I have never seen your name mentioned in your profile or on any of your posts. Using a name, your real name should lend some credibility; particularly of anyone here knows who you are.


Santa Monica Bay
Mystere 6.0 "Whisk" <--- R.I.P.