You are correct - the H20 is just main and jib, as are almost all other cats. In the U.S., the Inter line (17/18/20) were the first popular cats designed to carry spinnakers. The Hobie Fox and Tiger came along from Europe about 3 years later and also have spinnakers. They have copied the E/O Snuffer system from the Inter line. I haven't sailed a Fox (have only seen one of them), but it does have the plastic-tipped aluminum mast which for me is a big minus compared to the all carbon mast of the Inter's. Also, the deck layout and user-friendliness of the Inter's is superior to the Fox in my opinion.<br><br>Sail fast and have fun,<br>Alan Thompson<br>I20 - San Diego<br><br>P.S. I know there have been other cats rigged with spinnakers and/or reachers/hooters, but these were mostly after-marked add-on's and were never very widespread. Only in the last few years have spinnakers become a common occurance on cats, a development which I think is highly for the better! This is especially so when the cat has been designed from the beginning to carry the spinnaker, as this makes a BIG difference in useability, ease-of-handling, and performance.<br><br>

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