Yeah Steve
The sailing here is still going well. With regards to the Point Development, we were served notice to vacate the beach club by december 05.For those interested, a developer is rebuidling a part of durban's beach area, unfortunately where our club in situated. Its a matter were money talks, and our club- rated as a great sailing place- falls in the area. We don't have the money to really fight back. But, we fought the Notice to vacate, and now the developers are willing to negotiate, and promised we can sail off Vetchies till Jan 07. They don't want it to end in court as far as I know.
We still get 8-12 Hobies on average on weekends pending the weather.
How is the Hobie set-up in Cape Town. I'm thinking of working there for a year or so. Trying to finish up my studies here in Durbs..It would be nice to join a sailing club if I did move down..
Are there lots of Clubs..or Are Sean, Blaine and all the top guys in one club?
