Now you know why we are scared of Sean and Blaine ... and have to race against them at open events. At least our boats are faster . Small consolation, they beat us boat for boat most times, even though we are rated about 1min/hour faster than a H16. At least when we DO cross the line ahead of them we know we`ve had a good race !! (happens once in a lifetime though.)
Just looked up the results for the SA Nationals in April to compare,
Brazilians Viana & Gomes were 4th at Nationals, 15th at Worlds, the German team who were 4th at Worlds were 6th at Nationals, Paul Lagesse 5th at both Nationals & Worlds (wow, he hasn`t raced Hobies for a good couple of years, I think), and Blaine, William and Sean seem to have traded places, (William down in 22nd ?)
You know the fleet is tough when Enrique F finishes 12th.
Guys like John Ryall who is FAST doesn`t make the top 56 ???