no, if there was a penguin involved, you'd not even have pictures of it... why you ask?

Well for starters, the Linux skiff can't be trailered outside its home waters without extensive preparation.

If this is, in fact the first time you've ever tried to sail your linux skiff, then you'd be suprised to know that it comes to your doorstep with in a box. Luckily, the manufacturer has supplied you with some sub-standard quality tools with which you can assemble your linux skiff.

However, you open the box to find out that there is no documentation! Only a little note card that says "There are books available on how to assemble your linux skiff, or you could just ask the millions of other linux skiffers who are happy (yet condescending when you ask a simple question) to help you out with putting together and using your linux skiff.

So you dive in head first into the box full of parts.

You come to find out that some parts are missing! Not just little obscure parts, but pretty important ones!

Once you manage to gather are the required components of your linux skiff, you come to find out that some of the parts wont fit in with each other! You are required to actually modify the parts right out of the box in order to get them all working together properly.

So you see, the reason you don't see a linux skiff on the water is because its always on the hard, either being put together or getting fixed.

Nobody wants to take pictures of that :P