I think you'd see steam coming out Jake's ears if we dropped off the yellerwhite boat and said "hey dude, just yaknow, do what you did with ole blue. We'll pay in beer."

Maybe - but the quality wouldn't be as good if you pay in beer.

You Velocity Boys know I'll be watchin! Trey, I was wondering if you'd convinced Jake to go over your boat the way he has the blue N20? Jake, will you name her, or leave it at Sailmaxbiz?

Actually this is a different boat - this boat was the Team Windy Hill boat for the last several years and is owned by Frank Moore. He and I are teaming up to sail together this year as Team Seacats. I need to ask Frank if the boat has a name. After all this work though, we might need to recommission her. The boat really wasn't in that bad of shape ... but you know me.

Jake Kohl