I was experienceing a lot of weather helm. Searched all the posts and eventually epoxied and redrilled the rudders. This solved the weather helm substancailly which is great. Only problem is that when checking the rudders out, I found that the toe in was correct, but that there is approx. 30mm difference from top to bottom between the rudders. i.e the rudders are not parrallel to each other in the vertical plane when looking at the back end only. When looking down the hulls, the bottom of port rudder is definately to far out. Adjusting the spacers where the bolts hold the rudder is not helping. Also found that the gudgeons are not parrallel. Approx. 4mm out again at the bottom which would seem to explain the port rudder being so far out. Has anyone come accross this. I'm thinking of taking off the one peice gudgeon, and extending the holes out on the horizontal plane to align the gudgeons.
Any advise would be great.
