‘The thing that annoys me the most is that people think they have the right to suggest that we introduce shark hunting or nets (which trap and drown a large number of sharks, dolphins and sometimes whales, as well as other marine mammals), so that we, who are the masters of all we destroy in this world, can go for a good ol` swim.’

The thing that annoys me the most is that people think we have the obligation to stay out of the water or be one of the lower rungs on the food chain so that an aquatic eating machine can dine on our person with impunity. It is hard to have much sympathy for “the Grizzly man” or the marine biologist they show having his calf muscle bitten off by a bull shark on the Discovery channel.

The greatest lessons learned from these wacko’s behavior is that the process of natural selection is still in play. Those too naive to use their intellect to protect themselves (I am not promoting the wholesale indiscriminate slaughter of sea life with nets) are not only a danger to themselves (I could live with that) but also everyone else who would like to partake in water sports where there is a real chance of being eaten alive.

It comes down to how much value to you place on a human life? Do you feel a human life is more valuable? of the same value? or less valuable than that of a shark.

Steve…Good luck in the Cape Point challenge…hope someone’s bleeding heart doesn’t cost you an arm and a leg…figuratively and literally…LOL