Hi John,

great photo's, love to see F16's pushing the limits. Don't worry about the jibes, glad to have somebody else getting them, after the photo's of Altered underwater I copped it for ages.

Here is a challenge for all you stirrers, I want to see photo's of F16's pushing the limits from all other major F16 locations. I swear if I see another photo of F16's drifting around in the U.S.A. I'll never believe they have wind.

Regards Gary.


Challenge accepted !! The wager is :

If ,by seasons end ( September 1st , '06 ), the NorCal. F16 fleet has not posted to this site , photographic evidence of THE MOST radical , extreme , high speed, white water , WFO , wire ride blast on an F16 ever documented* we will send you a bottle of very expensive California wine (I don't know enough about wines to stun you with an actual label name. Trust me though, it'll be good stuff !)
IF however we win the challenge ** we will accept delivery of your blue sailing cap (the cool one with the ear flaps - unless you've another just like it in orange !! ) !!
Additionally , i'll extend this gentlemen's challenge to the whole of the worldwide F16 fleet. California has THE MOST radical sailing on the planet and we welcome the opportunity to validate this publicly on this site !!!

Any other takers ???

Paul Kilkenny
USA #300

* photographic documentation , F16's only , date and location verified.
** winning photo. to be voted on by F16 class members and friends of the F16. Any controversy of validity or voting to be settled by Wouter. Votes to be counted by Wouter with the high vote getter being named "winner" by Wouter ( unless Wouter disagree's with the outcome of the vote in which case Wouter will choose the winner outright at his whim and will wear the blue hat with the cool ear flaps himself at 'round Texel...).