<br>Can you send me an example how you calculate the allowed jibsize?
<br>I assume you take the complete set of formula’s from Texel or Isaf, change the value for “rated weight” for boat weight+real crew weight.
<br>Than , of course, at a fixed (103 for Texel) rating a jib can be calculated.
<br>For the Spi area, it’s not that big deal to me if You want to limit it 17^m, for the minimum weight I have more concerns:
<br>Even though it seems to be achievable when building new boats, it’s still bad news for the existing classes:
<br>In case of taipan/stealth/isotope one should buy a lot of stuff (mast/beams/rudders/daggers all carbon) . That’s hardly an option.
<br>This is also the reason that I’d like to see your calculations; if it is possible to compensate a slightly heavier boat with a larger jib, well than the problem is solved.