Oh... my... god...

You are actually planning to solo a Tornado, _AND_ are talking about sailing it solo in a big blow..
Tornado.. solo.. big-blow.. Not words I usually combine.

The Tornado is a very powerful boat. I have sailed our T solo from time to time, but I am very careful about what conditions I go out in. Mainly becouse you can only depower it so much, and you will never right it alone (without the mythical solo~right). Unless you are very heavy (110-120Kg), you will be overpowered in most conditions.

I much prefer the selftacker to the old setup. Much more userfriendly, and with a long (120cm) jib track you will be able to open the slot well enough. If you are going to solo, it is a no-brainer to go with a selftacking setup. A snuffer likewise.

Please make sure your mast is waterproof at least. And please, _please_, carry a VHF or some other means to call for help.