I'm tackling my motorhome mileage at the moment - it dropped from 10mpg to 5 sometime last year....$60 to get to a regatta sounds like nothing!

yeah, that was my point. The Element wasn't very happy at 70 mph. Uphill it spent a lot of time in overdrive, so I just set the cruise in the 60-65 range. Engine turns dropped significantly.

On the other hand, I spent 3 nights at the Marriott, $532! To me, that's a lot! If my wife was with me I'd feel differently, but for one guy to flop?! I won't do that again!

Back in the day, I had a friend who just showed up, sailed, drank a lot and slept on a boat, any boat! Right out in the open! Maybe I'll. . .naw!

If I had it to do all over again (especially if I were single handing), I might buy a small van (diesel?) and put a roof top 110V A.C. air conditioning unit in the roof (or maybe install a small $200 window unit in the back window). Perhaps even buy a small generator. If you can't find a 15Amp plug in at the regatta, carry the generator down down the hill / around the corner and drag an extension cord back to the van. Sleep in cool comfort - it's important around here! Two to three regatta weekends like that and the generator and air conditioner would pay for themselves.

I bet those element seats fold down (or come out) and make a nice spot to curl up for the night!

Last edited by Jake; 06/12/06 08:47 AM.

Jake Kohl