Hi folks,

I have a 96 wave that I keep rigged up all the time on the beach. I sailed her this saturday and disassembled her for transport to the wave regatta in Sandy Hook Bay next weekend. When I took the mast down I felt like it was totally full of water. I know I have had water entering before and I tried to address the problem by drilling a 1/8" hole about six inches from the bottom of the mast. Apparently this is not enough. Should I drill a larger hole? higher up? drill through the top of the mast where the comp tip enters and invert the mast to drain it? I'm at a loss. And on top of all that my starboard is taking on about two gallons of water in four hours of rough water sailing. I can't find any leaks!!!! I hate boats!!! damnit, I should stick to motorcycles and take my broken legs in stride. -Jason