Greetings all! I'm a Newbie to this board and also to cat sailing. I'd appreciate your recommendations and advice and what would be an appropriate first-time purchase.

Here's some background: sailing on Lake Ontario; this will be for recreational use - fun and safety first! It would be fo myself (nearing middle age) and my 15 year-old son. We're both big fellows - I'm 210 and he's about 175 lbs. I consider myself an intermediate sailor (a variety of dighies, a couple of seasons crewing on keel boats racing and some baord sailing, but no cat experience). My son is a 'white sail' beginner but is gutsy, enthusiastic and doesn't mind getting wet.

I'd prefer to keep the budget under control by going with something used. Around here, Hobie cats seem to be pretty much it though I know of a Prindle 16. Please share your thoughts and recommendations!