Sadly I cannot edit my initial post. My intentions were to constantly edit it, to try to acumulate as much information on mainsail trim as posible.

For heavy air 15kts+ I use the heavy batten set.


I think this is bad advice. Remember, unlike Ken's Acat (a magnificent, elegant ,craft that is no less than a great monument to the human potential for excellence), your F16 sails off the wind with the traveller centered , and the mainsail flat (lots of mainsheet tension). I've found that unless my #1 batten has a little draft (curvature), the peak of the main tends to hook to windward when I bear away w/ the kite(slow).I think a really stiff #1 batten will be very hard to keep to windward when reaching with your fathead main...


For anything under 15kts use the standard battens.
There is NO need to use both heavy and standard at the same time.