The idea behind the tip weight rule was to help allow the aluminium masts remain competative with carbon masts. Without this rule it was feared that everyone would have to use the much more expenive carbon masts to be competative.

We have other rules like not being able to glue beams to hulls to allow aluminium beams a more equal footing to carbon beams as the real benefits from carbon come when they are glued to the hulls.
So basically it is all about letting people with smaller budgets get a fair shot at competing with people with large budgets for their sailing.
So people who want to spend the big dollars and get the cool stuff can but the advantage they will realise on the race course is limited.

We believe that items like these in our class rules will help make the F16 class available to a wider range of sailors.


I know that the voices in my head aint real,
but they have some pretty good ideas.
There is no such thing as a quick fix and I've never had free lunch!