From Hobie Forum
Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 10:31 am Post subject:


The weather forecasters here in Spain have no idea apparently...

Today we got in three more races in trying conditions off Cangas Spain...The sail out to the course was in 3 knots with fog, so we thought to ourselves... where´s the starting area? (the starting vessels were further offshore than the previous days, and the haze wasn´t helping either)

Once we started into the sequence it was like the switch turned on, and the winds filled in nicely. We were not so hot on the day, only managing to post a couple of 10´s and another drop (too bad they give you only one, so I suppose we´ll keep this 15th)Our speed in not in doubt, however some problems in rounding situations and close calls on lay lines have caused us some grief in these past two days. We are just use to sailing to the lay line, however here everyone is so over stood that if you´re not one of them you die. It didn´t help either that we ran over the spinnaker sheet on the second race. (our worst result of course, partly due to this) Climbing out on the bow in high winds and chop isn´t fast.

In the final race the winds really piped up and many teams stuck it in hard. There a several torn mainsails and a bent mast or two. We stayed upright to come across in 10th.

Other notable Norht American finishers today were Tomkop / Billings (from Texas) doing well to secure 8th in the overall classifications. Team peurto Rice had a fall through their main sail - but I hear this won´t put a damper on the rum party they are hosting tonight!

We´re still sitting well in the top five in 4th. Mitch and Taylor Booth are now slotted up to fifth after some good results of their own. (this is the championship now for us... to beat our good friends from OZ - or is that Holland.. or wait - Spain.... who knows)

Tomorrow calls for the same forecast of 6 - 9 knots of wind... so I guess that means it´ll be blowing 20 again!

We´ll keep trying hard.

Tomko- The unknown sailor (not for long if he keeps it up) sporting a Mimi shield
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Pat Bisesi Fleet 204