If memory serves me...PU was running gates in 1994 at the first Syracuse H17 Continentals as an experiment. We've been running gates ever since. A good rule of thumb that I've observed over the years is between 5 and 7 boat lengths.

John B
I did a little digging and found the article Matt Bounds wrote for the 94 H17 Nats and found that is where the Gate was introduced to us. It even says they were set 7 boat lengths apart. The third race the first day was a 6G.

John W.
Interseting comment about the use of the Gate. I hadn't really thought of it that way.
I kinda remember the Gate being introduced to create more exciting racing as Rick said previously.
There are more options and you can set the gate on the non-favored side a liitle up wind to entice people to try and go that way.
The downwind finishes were also added to add some passing lanes and maybe make the finishes more exciting.
The Olympic fleets that use these things aren't that big.

Pat Bisesi Fleet 204