In race 1, Tina and I capsized 2x on the same spin' run, the second time I sent her thru my main sail (much like Robi at JPOR -- Batten to Batten along a seam line)

Tina's great! .... I'm heading for the beach to have a beer and Tina says "The "C" mark is that way <-- " (opposite direction).

I look at the main, and say "Tina, we have a "f****g" hole in our main (in a nice gentlemanly way). Which she says in reply, "you think it'll get any bigger?". WHAT A COMPETITOR.

I decided to err on caution and suggested we hit the beach and make a repair. I wasn't sure the sail tape would hold with such high winds and gusts.

We made the repair and got back out for the 3rd and 4th race. Surprisingly the repair worked great.

Soooo, we DNF in race 1, DNS in race 2 and in race 3 we exonerated ourselves because we didn't round the offset (DNF). (Frankly we hadn't seen it even in race 1.) Race 4 we did much better finishing (corrected) at 12th.

Too tired to write more....I'll check back later.

Last edited by tback; 11/05/06 09:37 PM.