G'day to all,happy new year and hope the berocca's are doing there job. As some of you are aware i have been restoring a timber mozzie and have finally finished painting her hulls. So finally had a chance to fit my mast,slightly daunting task in itself. So having set the mast out on the driveway and detangled i have found that there are 3 stainless wires for each side. 2 thicker guage with d shackles (shrouds),2 thinner wires with pulley adjustments and 2 with what looks like a bit, with a circle at each end . And a thicker guage wire i am asuming is the forestay. All looks good in theory,until we hoisted the mast. I have found that the shrouds went on nicely and pulled the mast up and slotted the base of the mast into it's seat(from rear to front) of boat. But found the forestay fell well short of (4-5 inches)to the connection of wires at the front.
Q:1 Am i hoisting the mast correctly, laying it aft of the boat.?
Q:2 the 2 thinner guage wires off both sides, one adjustable i asume to be a trapeze wire,but could be way off the mark here.The other wire with the 0--0 type end on it i have no idea where to connect it to. So after you all have laughed your heads off. Could someone please slap me a little and try and run me through the correct procedure on how to hoist the mast. Any advice would be appreciated. Regards to all and stay safe over the holiday period. Brett
Corsair 2