I hate to say it but the next time this situation happens G&J (or you) just have to try to sail that port tack boat in halve and put the skipper into the hospital. Then there is "some damage" to report and you can get a redress awarded by the whigs that keeps seats warm in the protest committee. Then as an extra benefit you just KNOW that this port tack skipper will NEVER EVER pull that trick on you again.

I guess more then a few sailors have discovered that this is the way "competitive" racing is done these days (in addition to the usual shouting, cursing and general intimidation) and ISAF, as always, is busy wasting breath on some female sailor found to be sail rowing.

Personally I'm all in favour of the rule where any foul will automatically lead to a DSQ for that race. No circles or what ever. Just ask 20 bucks more for the competitors and have 2 umpire boats on the race course or whatever. The the boat that fouled can try to correct the decision in the protest room instead of having the crew that was fouled try to get compensated. Why should the task of getting justice be put on the crew that did nothing wrong instead of the crew that did ?

We, probably have to wait for another 50 years for the ISAF whigs get around to this little problem. Currently the ISAF racing rules favour the crews that make fouls.


Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands